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Heart & Back - An "opening" Workshop with Lars

This workshop is aimed to help you better understand your spine and your heart and how they interact every time you move. During this experiential class we will cover many simple exercises that can help you better understand how your heart and your back work together. The way you can move and feel your spine will define how you move through life. We will cover tips on how to stay soft and fluid during your yoga practice. Lars will go through familiar poses and break them up into their individual components. This will give you a better understanding of how the different parts of your body interconnect. This workshop will help you increase stability, mobility, endurance and well being.

No single part of our body is as important for movement as is our spine. You are as old as your spine.

This workshop is for you if you:

·         Want to learn more about the function of your spine

·         Want to learn about how to safely backbend

·         Looking to improve your overall mobility

Teacher: Lars Eckmann > unterrichtet in Deutsch und/oder Englisch.

Diese Klasse ist Covid-zertifikatspflichtig.

Preis: CHF 50.-- 

Reduzierter Preis (KulturLegi und Studierende): Coupon “LUNAfüralle” bei der Bezahlung eingeben.

13 November

Yoga Nidra Workshop

2 December

Einblick in die Meditation - Special mit Malou Voegeli